Open all the scripts in one stack as a continuous document?

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Sun Jan 5 08:52:10 EST 2014

On 05/01/14 15:44, Richmond wrote:
> Ugly, very ugly, never thought I would have to ask such a question;
> especially after slagging-off Visual Basic!!!!
> Anyway, I have just found out that I have made a "monster c*ck-up" 
> [just for a change, LOL]
> and wish to change every single "if cmdKey() is down" to "if ctrlKey() 
> is down"
> in on the sunny side of about 200 faux buttons
> in a stack and dread the thought of having to open
> each script and change it; apart from what it will do to my nascent
> repetitive stress syndrome.
> Richmond.

Ooooh, Look! Richmond replies to his own posting yet again.

As long as the stack is not encrypted (that's where I got things wrong) 
a bog-normal
text editor will open a stack as a continuous thing with the code all

I'm using Text Wrangler on Mac.

I hope (????) the thing will reopen in Livecode once it has been mucked 
around with in Text Wrangler.


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