LiveCode and SCRUM tools

Mark Wilcox m_p_wilcox at
Sat Jan 4 14:51:49 EST 2014

>> Scrum: time-based sprints, with release and review/planning in between<br/>>> them; some form of scrum-master who runs stand-ups; a managed backlog; a<br/>>> defined process for substituting requirements during a sprint.<br/><br/>>> Kanban: a visual, managed, workflow with work-in-progress limits;<br/>>> continuous release process; a prioritized backlog; feedback loops.<br/><br/>I'd agree with this although I'd add that once you drop the "sprint commitment" from Scrum and move to a more pull-based workflow you're doing some kind of hybrid of the two - which seems pretty common and more efficient for smaller teams - you can then minimise the sprint planning and restrospective aspects.<a href=""><br/><br/>Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad</a>

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