Snapshot within a circle

Jim Hurley jhurley0305 at
Fri Jan 3 16:13:12 EST 2014

Thanks Richard. I appreciate the details. I can see now how that would be more useful. I had to go to a lot of trouble to hide all the objects close to my oval graphic so that they would not be caught up in the Rect of the oval.

But I can’t seem to make this method work for me. It isn’t just the grc “oval” that I want to export to Preview, but the grc “oval”  (which is just a black circle) but the kaleidoscopic the image “my image” that is painted on it. 

I tried grouping the img and the grc as in the following script:

on mouseUp
   ask "Please name this image." with "Kaleidoscope"
   --hide group "showhidegroup"
   if it is "" then exit mouseUP
   put "/" & it & ".png" into tName
   put specialFolderPath ( "desktop") & tName Into tPathAndName
   --         put specialFolderPath("desktop") & "/Kaleidoscope.png" into tPathAndName3
   --         put specialFolderPath("desktop") &  tImageName  into tPathAndName2
   if there is a group "exportGroup" then delete group "exportGroup"
   group img "myImage" and grc "oval" 
   set the name of last group to "exportgroup"
   export snapshot from group "exportGrouP" to file tParthANdName as PNG
   --            export snapshot from graphic "CC" to file "Circle.png" as PNG
   --         export snapshot from rect (rect of  graphic "oval") of this card  to file tPathAndName as PNG
   launch document tPathANDNAME
   ungroup group "exportGroup" 
end mouseUp

But nothing at all shows up in Preview. Is there some other way to put the img that rests atop the grc so that they may be exported together?



Jim Hurley wrote:

 > So, at long last, my question. Is there a way within RunRev, by
 > script,  to erase all color pixels outside the circle before sending
 > it off to Preview?
 > Here is the code (thanks to someone out there, I sorry about
 > forgetting who you are, I’m 81 now with ever diminishing cognitive
 > abilities) to get the image into Preview:
 > on mouseUp
 >   ask "Please name this image." with "Kaleidoscope"
 >   hide group “showhidegroup” —Everything outside the oval rect is
 > hidden.
 >         if it is "" then exit mouseUP
 >         put "/" & it & ".png" into tName
 >         put specialFolderPath ( "desktop") & tName Into tPathAndName
 >         export snapshot from rect (rect of  graphic "oval") of this
 > card  to file tPathAndName as PNG
 >         launch document tPathANDNAME —That turns out to be Preview on
 > he Mac
 >         show group “showhidegroup” —Show the things previously hidden
 > end mouseUp

In Richmond's example, the key is using "...from <object>..." rather 
than "...from rect...":

    export snapshot from graphic "CC" to file "Circle.png" as PNG

The "from <object>" option was added in v2.7 during the first of several 
overhauls to the internal compositing subsystem, allowing the object 
specified to be rendered into its own export buffer directly, as opposed 
to the "from rect" option which grabs the specified portion of the 
composited card image.

Since "from <object>" will preserve any object transparency within the 
bounds of the specified object in most cases it's what we want, so much 
so that I consider "from rect" to be more or less obsolete, useful only 
in those rarer cases where the final composite of everything on the 
card, including the card itself, is actually what you want.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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