Script local variables - Found word(s) list error in the Text body

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Sun Feb 23 18:15:25 EST 2014

I think the idea is to be able to preload a variable the first time a script is accessed in a session, and by session I mean when the application is launched. Quitting and re-launching the app would count as a second session. While the app is running, you could change the variable and it’s value would be persistent UNTIL you recompiled the script.

In this case the form local sVar = “123” would re-initialize the variable any time the script is compiled. If you used the form local sVar and then changed the value of sVar in an initialization script, the the value would be preserved through compiles PROVIDING Preserve Variables was turned on in the script editor preferences.

I can see this being useful as a way to flag if a handler is being run for the first time in a session, but I’ve discovered that it cannot be used if you expect to recompile at any point during a session. So what I do is I have a global variable called initialized, and when I open the stack I check the value of this variable. If it’s not true, I call an initialization routine. It’s more work, but then I don’t run into the unexpected consequences of variable pre-loading.


On Feb 23, 2014, at 14:32 , Graham Samuel <livfoss at<mailto:livfoss at>> wrote:

I see that I have misunderstood the context of this 'feature' (if that's what it is). It refers to a situation where one runs a script in the IDE, finds an error, corrects it and runs it again. It's entirely an IDE thing, isn't it? Compilation can happen outside the IDE, for example where a splash stack invokes other stacks containing scripts, but the developer doesn't see this directly so can't mess with the script and go again. I was thinking in a wider context, where the stack gets removed completely from the machine and then is brought back. That isn't what it's about.

Not quite so puzzled


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