Web Apps

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Thu Feb 20 21:35:29 EST 2014


What I understand from your e-mail is:
- you need to fill out web forms
- you need to send e-mails

What other _technical_ requirements do you have? Automate paper 
processes and begin a workflow aren't really items that belong in a list 
of technical requirements.

So far, you give me the impression that a simple PHP script will do the job.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer
KvK: 50277553

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On 2/21/2014 03:24, Nakia Brewer wrote:
> Thanks for the replies,
> Basically I am now using Perfect Forms to build systems for clients that automate paper processes.
> Think of Human Resource systems such as Leave Requests etc.
> The Majority of what I do is building approval style systems that allow people to fill in web forms that they then submit to begin a workflow
> (moves onto the next level of approval etc etc)
> It needs to have the ability for building reporting as well, Perfect Forms offers the ability to build Reports that are linked back into the
> Form for reporting purposes. Think Dashboards...
> Things I see I need
> 1. Needs to be we based as clients are not happy installing software (if they were I would be using LiveCode Applications)
> 2. As I am not familiar with any other language than LiveCode it needs to be simple to use to set up Logic, Conditions, Equations etc
> 3. Needs to be able to send HTML style emails when workflows move through different stages (with PDF attachments would be great!)
> 	Noting above, needs to be able to send reminder emails based on certain conditions
> 4. Support is a big thing as this is Perfect Forms biggest downfall.
> I hope this makes sense?

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