Best Practice for Library Stacks

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Feb 13 12:06:11 EST 2014

Earthednet-wp wrote:

 > Richard,
 > My question was probably too elementary, but what I was really asking
 > is:
 > Do all of the handlers in a single button script count as a single
 > script, or is a single handler in the button script counted as a
 > script, for purposes of scriptLimits.

There was no limit to the number of lines in a given frontScript, 
backScript, or library in terms of execution.

But when setting an object's script, the total number of executable 
lines had the same limit as for "do": ten executable lines, in any 
handler, comments and line wraps excluded.

 > If only 10 front scripts were allowed, the method wouldn't be very
 > useful for library purposes.

It was only 10 lines of *new* code, either through "do" or setting an 
object's script.   Both of those are fairly specialized cases, which is 
why we've not heard much of an uproar about scriptLimits in the 15+ year 
they were in place.

Any amount of code written in a licensed development environment prior 
to building the standalone has always been allowed.

And as Mark Wieder noted: "Last time I looked in the code, the script 
limits were commented out" it looks like this is all just ancient history anyway.

(Thanks for that, Mark)

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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