Vertically aligning text in a field

Terence Heaford t.heaford at
Fri Dec 19 14:52:02 EST 2014

Thank you very much for this code.

I was surprised that LC did not have an option for vertically aligned text in a field and on searching the forum found your method.

However, on my iMac the offset calculation did not seem to work precisely and I had to adjust it slightly.

As I am creating a report stack for printing tables that may have different fonts and font sizes with different row(field) heights provided as parameters I was looking for a reliable way to centre text vertically with the possibility of many options.

Thanks again, this really looks like the answer. I will report back if anything looks odd in testing.

All the best

> On 19 Dec 2014, at 17:32, BNig <bernd.niggemann at> wrote:
> Did the code "you came across" not do what you wanted?

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