Direction, and color

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Fri Dec 12 13:27:14 EST 2014

On 12/12/14 19:19, Mike Bonner wrote:
> I have a quick question, its one of those that should be obvious, but i'm
> just not seeing it.
> What i'm playing with right now, is just a bunch of round grc moving on
> screen. (an adaption of the "swarm" sample stack created by scott rossi)
>   What I'd like to do, is modify the colors of of each ball based on
> direction and speed.  Sort of like a color wheel, zero speed or direction
> being the center of the wheel.  So, direction would affect color, and speed
> would affect the end color based on a gradient dark to light.
> I hope the explanation is clearer than mud.
> Any suggestions, or reading material that might help get me kickstarted?
> Mike
> _______________________________________________

I don't think that should be unduly difficult . . .

For instance, one could leverage RGB codes so that, let us say, the 
direction in degrees
could be signalled something like this:

RRR= round (255/(360-DIR)
set the backgroundColor of grc "myFatBlob" to RRR,GGG,BBB

where DIR is the direction in degrees, GGG is some number 0<GGG<256, and 
so is BBB.

Darkness could be worked out by having one's "Blobs" consist of a pair 
of graphics (one on top of the other)
where the lower one is black. Speed could then be signalled by setting 
the BLEND level of the top one.


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