How to Quit with a button

William Prothero prothero at
Sun Dec 7 18:09:16 EST 2014

I don’t know if this is needed anyway, but I have a button on one of my screens whose intention is to quit the application. The code is;

on mouseUp
	send “quit” to me in 0 seconds
end mouseUp

This crashes the application. The menu that the standalone creates, in the menu bar also has a quit choice, and the app does not crash.

So, is there a way to quit with a script? Or, is it just poor practice to do it this way and make the user use the menubar menu.

I’m on Mavericks, LiveCode 7.0.1 rc3. It has worked this way for several versions, and on V7.0, it crashed  even from the menubar menu.


William A. Prothero

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