Missing properties

Peter Haworth pete at lcsql.com
Sat Dec 6 20:03:06 EST 2014

Every now and again, I wonder why certain properties are not available in
LC.  The ones that puzzles me the most are the owning card and owning stack
of an object.

Maybe it's just the kind of tools I write but I frequently need to get that

I have written a couple of handlers to get that information but it just
seems like there should be a property that does it for you, maybe
"ownerStack" and "ownerCard".

I've tried a couple of different ways of getting that information and
curious how other people do it.  I'm sure there are a lot of people who
have written the same handlers!

I have a recursive function that traverses up the chain of owner properties
until it gets to a card or stack, and another one that parses the long name
of a control to get the information.  I think I prefer the recursive

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