Not LiveCode - Bug code

Vaughn Clement vclement at
Sat Dec 6 13:41:48 EST 2014

Hi How to

Does 6.6.5 provide support for all the new IOS 8 features, and also does
auto sizing for different screens? Shortly Apple will require 64 bit for
new app submissions. What is the status of this requirement for Feb 2015?
If it is not available, you will not be able to submit your app to Apple.
By the way I had to stop using 6.7 due to bugs that are not yet fixed.

Thank you

Vaughn Clement

Apps by Vaughn Clement (Support)
On Target Solutions LLC Website:
Email: ontargetsolutions at
Skype: vaughn.clement

FaceTime: vclement at
Ph. 928-254-9062

On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 11:32 AM, J. Landman Gay <jacque at>

> On 12/6/2014, 10:16 AM, Vaughn Clement wrote:
>> My suggestion is
>> to LiveCode, get a finished full released version that people can use with
>> reliability!
> Try version 6.6.5, which has been very reliable for me, or 6.7 which is
> stable for most uses. Those are final releases. The others are indeed betas
> that you can ignore until they go final. They are available for testing,
> but if you don't want to do that you don't need to. The pre-releases are
> provided so that developers can know what is coming and test their apps
> against new features, but they are expected to have bugs.
> Version 7.0 is a huge rewrite that affects the entire core of the engine.
> Think of it as gutting your entire house and rebuilding from the foundation
> on up. It implements not only unicode, but restructuring the entire engine,
> which touches almost every one of several million lines of code. The
> project is an immense undertaking and will not be bug-free for quite some
> time.
> This restructuring is a one-time thing that will allow us to do far more
> than the engine can currently provide. But due to the scope of the changes,
> it will take time to complete. Because users needed Cocoa support for Mac,
> RR introduced that in version 6.7, writing it in tandem with the 7.0
> overhaul. That way iOS apps could still be developed while the larger
> rewrite was in progress. The two share bug fixes for the features they have
> in common. Once 7.0 is finalized, version 6.7 will no longer be necessary.
> The short answer is -- avoid the pre-release versions and stick with the
> last stable version if you don't want to be involved in the testing process.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
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