datagrid form not scrolling

Matt Maier blueback09 at
Wed Dec 3 00:11:20 EST 2014

Hi Sean,

I dragged both datagrids onto their respective cards and then used the
property manager to make them forms and get at the templates and script.
I'm using version 7 (rc 1) on Windows 8.1
The screenshot is here
Refresh data grid blanks it out and I have to use the script to populate it

Message: 6
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 17:28:42 +0000
From: "Sean Cole (Pi)" <sean at>
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at>
Subject: Re: datagrid form not scrolling
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hi Matt,

That's pretty :)
How did you create the data grid template. Which version of LC (I can see
it's on Windows)? Can you take a screenshot of the Project Browser with the
Data Grid Template expanded out to display all of its contents. This will
help us see how it is layering up. Have you tried pressing the 'Refresh
Data Grid' button in the inspector?

Hope we can help

Sean Cole
*Pi Digital Productions Ltd*
'Don't try to think outside the box. Just remember the truth: There is no
'For then you realise it is not the box you are trying to look outside of,
but it is yourself!'

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On 30 November 2014 at 17:15, Matt Maier <blueback09 at> wrote:

> I've got one datagrid (form) that never scrolled like it should have, and
> another that always did, but suddenly stopped. There's a picture of the
> shenanigans here
> It's like the rows and content I'm filling it with are being put into a
> layer on top of the default drawing of an empty datagrid. So the content
> there, but the border and scrollbar are attached to something else that
> didn't get any content. Is this a problem with the nested groups that a
> datagrid is made out of?
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