Using a package to distribute LC app over ARD
Thierry Douez
th.douez at
Fri Apr 18 09:53:00 EDT 2014
Hi Richard,
There is an option to launch a shell which will execute some Applescript.
Here is one I just tried successfullly on Mavericks:
I create a text file which contains:
osascript <<EndScript
tell application "System Events"
make new login item at end with properties {path:"$1", hidden:true}
properties of login items
end tell
and did execute this way on the Terminal:
> sh "/the/fullpath/of/"
in the script file, you can get rid of the properties line (here for debug)
BTW, you can run this script many times, it won't create a new item
if it's already set!
Tested on Mavericks only!
Thierry Douez -
Maker of sunnYperl - sunnYmidi - sunnYmage - sunnYpdf
2014-04-17 13:49 GMT+02:00 Richard Miller <wow at>:
> I am using Iceberg to create a Mac installer package which contains my LC
> app. This package is then being used by Apple Remote Desktop to
> automatically install to multiple Mac's. These Mac's are generally in a
> logged-out state during the install. All of this works fine, except for this
> last piece.
> After the install, I need to add my app to the users list of Startup items.
> I know Iceberg can run a post-install script. But I'm not sure if it is
> possible to add to the Startup items list while the Mac is logged out. If it
> is possible, perhaps someone can help me create the shell script to do this.
> I know how to do it with AppleScript, but not with a shell script.
> Thanks,
> Richard Miller
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