closeStackRequest not working?
Scott Rossi
scott at
Mon Apr 14 17:46:28 EDT 2014
Hi Bob:
The IDE has a default check to determine if a stack needs to be saved
before closing it (I believe someone way back mentioned something about a
"dirty" flag). Attempting to close unsaved stacks will almost always
prompt a save dialog.
When trying the following in 6.6.1 Mac/Win, both work as expected -- the
stack doesn't close because pass is commented out. When the comment is
removed, the stacks save and close as expected.
on closeStackRequest
save this stack
put millisecs()
-- pass closeStackRequest
end closeStackRequest
Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX/UI Design
On 4/14/14 1:16 PM, "Bob Sneidar" <bobsneidar at> wrote:
>Nada. I now have:
>on closeStackRequest
> put "closeStackRequest Received!"
> save this stack
> pass closeStackRequest
>end closeStackRequest
>in the card script. Nothing gets put into the message box.
>On Apr 14, 2014, at 13:03 , J. Landman Gay
><jacque at<mailto:jacque at>> wrote:
>On 4/14/14, 1:45 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
>So then the only time a closeStackRequest gets sent is if the user
>clicks the Close control in the window title bar. Right? Wrong,
>apparently. I have this in the card script:
>on closeStackRequest
> breakpoint
> save this stack
> pass closeStackRequest
>end closeStackRequest
>When closing the window using the control in the window title bar, I
>do not even get the debugger. I just get the popup asking if I am sure,
>allowing me Don¹t Save, Cancel or Save. So when*exactly* is the
>closeStackRequst sent?
>It happens as you say, when the close box is clicked. But the IDE traps
>the message so you may have to suspend development tools to see it. It
>will work as expected in a standalone.
>I seem to remember that after the IDE traps the message, it then passes
>it. It may be that the debugger won't open when that happens; try a "put
>something" in the message box instead to see if it gets passed.
>Jacqueline Landman Gay |
>jacque at<mailto:jacque at>
>HyperActive Software |
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