6.6.1 no bueno

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Mon Apr 14 16:24:04 EDT 2014

If you follow the instructions but do not get the properties of the combo box, save the stack, quit and relaunch, open the stack, edit the properties of some other object, THEN you can get the properties of the combo box, but you will see that they are all hosed. 


On Apr 14, 2014, at 11:33 , John Dixon <dixonja at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> I'm seeing this too, like Bob. in LC 6.6 & 6.6.1
>> From: bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
>> To: use-livecode at lists.runrev.com
>> Subject: Re: 6.6.1 no bueno
>> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 18:29:40 +0000
>> Further Update:
>> After returning to my app and getting the properties of the combo box button I had previously added, I discovered that it was corrupted. I could not edit most of the properties. I deleted it, and then after getting the properties of another object first, then adding a new combo box, the properties seem to all be in order. This is DEFINITELY a bug! 
>> I will post this in the appropriate place. 
>> Bob
>> On Apr 14, 2014, at 08:59 , Bob Sneidar <bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com> wrote:
>>> UPDATE: This is a problem with 6.6.0 as well. 6.5.2 does NOT exhibit this problem. 
>>> Bob
>>> On Apr 14, 2014, at 08:57 , Bob Sneidar <bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all. 
>>>> Release 6.6.1 is no bueno. Try this: Launch 6.6.1. Open a new stack. Drag a combo box into the stack. Double click the combo box to get properties. Do you get the property inspector? I don’t. 
>>>> Now do the same thing, only this time, drag a regular push button into the new stack and double click. NOW you get the property inspector, and dragging a new combo box and double clicking it will give you the property inspector as well. 
>>>> Seems if the combo box is the first thing you get properties for after a launch, you will not get the properties inspector at all for anything, but if you get properties for something else first, the property inspector seems to work fine. 
>>>> If you do this after you have been running for a while, chances are you will have already gotten the property inspector for something else and the test will be no good. I have already removed all the plugins so that is not an issue. 
>>>> If others can reproduce this, I will submit a bug report. I am running Mavericks 10.9.2 on a 15” Macbook Pro. 
>>>> Bob

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