7.0 dp 1 Dictionary

Fraser Gordon fraser.gordon at runrev.com
Wed Apr 2 10:39:04 EDT 2014

On 2 Apr 2014, at 15:04, Richmond <richmondmathewson at gmail.com> wrote:

> and so to: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/#Decomposition_Type "PropList.txt"
> would I be correct in thinking that in scripting phrases that are of this sort;|
> codepointProperty(c, "Diacritic")
> where you have "Diacritic" one could have any one of the PropList.txt terms?

That's the idea. Terms are case-insensitive and underscores and spaces are considered to be equivalent. So you could say

codepointProperty("é", "Decomposition_Type")  -- E-Acute, if something eats the Unicode text

and the result (in this case) would be "Canonical".

Some property types might not be implemented and will give you a "bad property name" error - some of the listed properties don't seem to be provided by ICU (mostly deprecated properties).


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