Datagrid in scroller on iOS update speed?

Terence Heaford t.heaford at
Sun Sep 29 05:28:57 EDT 2013

Scrolling of a DataGrid is something that interests me.

Not because I have a solution but because it is also limited on the desktop.

I think the reason is simple, the solution is difficult.

The reason it is slow is because it is based upon fields and is scripted.

It is not really my place to say this because I am only a simple open source user but it is about time
all these scripted programming environments and I also include SuperCard in this had a proper
table object built in that is programmed in the underlying language. C, C++, ObjectiveC.

Why has this not been done. I suspect it is because of the time required/difficulty in programming it.

I have an interest in programming in Cocoa and have implemented a financial type table with 6 columns and say 2000 rows
of data in SuperCard, Cocoa and LiveCode.

I programmed my own external for SuperCard using Cocoa and it is fairly speedy and it uses fields as the basis.

I used LiveCodes DataGrid which is fields/scripting based and find it to slow/not smooth when scrolling.

I used NSTableView in the Cocoa app and it is smooth and fast. No problems at all.

Perhaps someone will take up the challenge? 

All the best


On 29 Sep 2013, at 03:17, Mike Kerner <MikeKerner at> wrote:

> Did anybody ever figure out a way to make datagrid scrolling speedy?  Most
> of the time it's tolerable, but I have at least one case where it is so
> slow that it has become unbearable.
> On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Chris Sheffield <cmsheffield at> wrote:
>> Did you make sure to set the layerMode of the scrolling group to
>> "scrolling"? Sorry to ask the obvious, but want to rule that out.
>> Also, as far as sub groups go, I and others have discovered that a
>> scrolling group *cannot* be nested inside another group if you want good
>> performance. I'm guessing a fix is in the works, but for now your group
>> should be by itself, and not inside another group.
>> Chris
>> On May 1, 2012, at 12:43 PM, Ken Corey wrote:
>>> On 01/05/2012 08:39, Gerry Orkin wrote:
>>>> Turn on accelerated rendering :)
>>>> on preopenstack
>>>>    if the environment is "mobile" then set the acceleratedRendering of
>> this stack to true
>>>> end preopenstack
>>> Hi Gerry,
>>> Thanks for writing.
>>> On my iPad 2 I couldn't tell much of a response from doing this.  I even
>> created a button to toggle the acceleratedRendering so I could see if
>> there's a difference. There's just not a lot in it at this point.
>>> -Ken
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