[WANT/NEED] Google Drive Library

Roger Eller roger.e.eller at sealedair.com
Sat Sep 21 09:44:37 EDT 2013

Hi LiveCode Community,

The list of libraries below seems incomplete.  I mean there's not one for


I have made amazing progress toward my very first mobile app for Android
and iOS,  thanks to the wonderfully easy to use, and well designed
phx_DropboxInitLib by Guglielmo Braguglia.  Early on, one requirement of
the project was simply, "the data must be uploaded to a central location".
That requirement has been changed to "must utilize google drive".  Sadly, I
can't use Dropbox.  :(

Beyond the scope of my own project, I want to ask you the community, and
RunRev alike to consider how the AWARENESS OF LIVECODE would be affected by
simply having a google-api-client-livecode in the Google Drive API
downloads.  As huge as Google is, I believe it has the potential to get
LiveCode really noticed.

Anyway, I haven't the time for such a momentous undertaking (wish I did).
I will be looking at the RESTful calls for simple uploads to try and
complete my project.  If I achieve anything meaningful, I'll share what I
learn along the way.  This looks promising:


Thanks for listening.


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