determining if cursor is in last line of a field

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Wed Sep 18 12:02:24 EDT 2013

Hi Richard,

There are probably many ways to do this, Here's one:

    put number of lines of the formattedText of  \
    char 1 to (word 2 of the selectedChunk) of me

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 9/18/2013 17:43, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

> If I have "my dog has fleas" in a field, the number of lines of this field
> is always 1.
> If the width of the field causes it to display as
>     my dog
>     has fleas
> and the cursor is after "has", the selectedLine is 2.
> But how do I determine that the number of lines, as formatted, in this
> field is 2?
> If someone hits a down arrow in the first line, I want to pass it to go to
> the second line, but if they hit it in the second, I want to jump to
> another field in another group.

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