Trying a custom handler for several math fields

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Sun Sep 15 22:19:57 EDT 2013

On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Richard Gaskin
<ambassador at>wrote:

> You could further that separation between display values and actual values
> with getProp and setProp, but I almost never use those because they're
> affected by lockMessages,

This was what I was going to suggest. I've never tripped myself up with
lockMessages, but I can see it happening. It would be possible to write
some sort of updateDisplayAfterLockMessages handler that checks to see any
custom props that have changed, and "touches" them to get the handlers to
execute, but that's obviously not ideal. The best idea so far (I think it
was yours) is to add a displayFormat property, although that would require
engine-level work, obviously.

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