Basic iOS question

Monte Goulding monte at
Sun Sep 8 18:08:10 EDT 2013

On 09/09/2013, at 7:33 AM, "William Waldman" <wwaldman at> wrote:

> I thought this would be simple to do  but apparently not for me...
> I'm trying to create and app on iOS that simply opens the mic (and can
> choose between available sources, such as built in or Bluetooth) and
> routes the audio to output (also choose between available sources, built
> in or Bluetooth, or what ever)
> I can't find any documentation in native LiveCode iOS mobile stuff that
> addresses this.
> Also, it seems that over a long period of time, Monte Goulding may have
> created then deprecated various parts and pieces that were one relevant.

I can't remember deprecating anything relating to this. Actually I think you would need to get into fairly low level stuff to do what you want to do. I have a command:

mergAVAudioSessionSetCategory pCategory,[pMixWithOthers],[pDuckOthers],[pAllowBluetooth],[pDefaultToSpeaker]

Which is kind of like iphoneSetAudioCategory pCategory with a few extra features including the multi-route category which is what I think you would need to use to direct the audio to a chosen output. However, I don't have anything for actually dealing with the audio routes...


Monte Goulding

M E R Goulding - software development services
mergExt - There's an external for that!

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