What is the size limit for numbers in LC? -- and multiplying really large numbers

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 18:54:15 EDT 2013

I've written bignum routines for addition and multiplication several times
when solving project euler problems. Generally my multiplication functions
bog down at about 200 digits -- i.e. take more than a second to run.

I decided to optimize, and about a dozen iterations later, the below is the
result. It will multiply two 5,000-digit numbers in about a second on my
machine, and even 20,000 digit multiplication seems to work in about 15
seconds or so (woot!).

Here's the weird part. I would have said that LC numbers are 32 bit, and
lose their minds at about 2 billion. The temp variable S in this function
gets large, and I wrote many lines of code working around that. Then I ran
some tests, and seemingly when multiplying a string of 20,0000 nines --
99999999...999999 -- even though S gets up to 499,949,990,000, all is well,
and the result is correct. I wonder how large S can get before it
overflows? I did some quick experiments without hitting a conclusive
answer, and I don't see it in the docs or online.

In the meantime, multiply really big integers here:

function bigTimes X,Y
   if char 1 of X is "-" then
      put "-" into leadChar
      delete char 1 of X
   end if
   if char 1 of Y is "-"  then
      if leadChar is "-" then put empty into leadChar else put "-" into
      delete char 1 of Y
   end if
   put (3 + length(X)) div 4 * 4 into XL
   put char 1 to XL - length(X) of "000" before X
   put (3 + length(Y)) div 4 * 4 into YL
   put char 1 to YL - length(y) of "000" before y
   repeat with N = XL + YL down to 9 step -4
      repeat with M = max(4,N - YL) to min(XL,N - 4) step 4
         add (char M - 3 to M of X) * (char N - M - 3 to N - M of Y) to S
      end repeat
      put char -4 to -1 of S before R
      delete char -4 to -1 of S
   end repeat
   if S is 0 then put empty into S
   return leadChar & S & R
end bigTimes

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