custom props woes

Klaus major-k klaus at
Fri Oct 18 08:31:18 EDT 2013

Hi friends,

I have a big problem retrieving stored ARRAYS from custom properties,
any help much appreciated!

I store arrays in a custom property of a group, the key for them is ("c" & the seconds)
Works fine so far, but when I try to retrieve the data with a concatenated name of the
custom property, it does NOT work.
put ("c" & the Seconds) into tCPName
set the tCPName of me to tArray
## Works fine, cp contains the array!

The name is correct and it works when I use the name directly, but not this way:
## the seconds have of course been stored when saving to CP
put ("c" & tSeconds) into tCPName
## -> correct name of custom property
put the tCPName of me into tArray
##-> tArray = EMTPY!

put the c123456 of me into tArray
## -> tArray is an ARRAY

If I access the cp directly with its name, it works!?
I have been using this technique for years without problems, but it obviously does NOT works with arrays?! :-/

This DOES works if the data in the cp are NOT arrays:
## I set the cp cData of a button to the string -> data111
put ("c" & "Data") into tCP
answer the tCP of me
## -> data111

I am totally clueless :-/



Klaus Major
klaus at

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