Run External Editor

Mike Kerner MikeKerner at
Wed Oct 16 13:53:17 EDT 2013

and here's a sample macro file:

// Macros.xml file.
// Description
// This file is created in the 4D folder at the first launch of the
// It automatically creates several macro commands that can be enriched or
// modified. You can also add all the macros required for your own
// needs manually.
// List of default macro commands.
// Logical blocks
// --------------
// If "If" logical block
// IfElse "If" logical block with an "Else" proposition
// CaseOf "Case" logical block
// While "While" logical block
// For "For" logical block
// Repeat "Repeat" logical block
// Frequently-used database blocks
// -------------------------------
// "LoopRecord" Loop on a table selection with saving of
//            record (use a table name as selection)
// "LoopRecordNoSave" Loop on a table selection without saving
//            records (use a table name as selection)
// Useful blocks
// -------------
// "Header"    Header for method name
// "CodeModif" Adds 4D user name and date for development
//            in multi-user environment

// Mikey----------------------------------------------------------

<macro name="If Mikey">
If (<selection/>)
Else ` NOT (<selection/>)

End If `<selection/>

<macro name="For Records In Selection">
For ($i;1;Records In Selection (<selection/>))
   GOTO SELECTED RECORD (<selection/>;$i)
End for `$i;1;Records In Selection(<selection/>)

<macro name="Case Mikey">
Case of

End Case

<macro name="While Mikey">
While (<selection/>)
End While `<selection/>

<macro name="Record Compare n Dare">

for ($i;1;records in selection ($tablePtr->))
   GOTO Selected Record ($tablePtr->;$i)
   If ($testVal#<selection/>)
   Else ` $testVal=<selection/>

   End If `($testVal#<selection/>)
end for `($i;1;records in selection ($tablePtr->))

// Logical blocks ________________________________________________
<macro name="If">

End if


<macro name="IfElse">


End if


<macro name="CaseOf">
Case of

End case


<macro name="While">

End while


<macro name="For">

End for


<macro name="Repeat">



// Frequent database blocks ______________________________________
<macro name="LoopRecord">
While (Not(End selection(<selection/>)))
Save Record(<selection/>)
Next Record(<selection/>)
End while


<macro name="LoopRecordNoSave">
While (Not(End selection(<selection/>)))
Next Record(<selection/>)
End while


// Useful blocks _________________________________________________
<macro name="Header">
` ----------------------------------------------------
` User name (OS): <user_os/>
` Date and time: <date format="0"/>, <time format="0"/>
` ----------------------------------------------------
` Method: <method_name/>
` Description
` <caret/>
` Parameters
` ----------------------------------------------------


<macro name="CodeModif">
` Modified by: <user_os/> (<date format="1"/>)



On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."

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