Run External Editor
richmondmathewson at
Tue Oct 15 15:18:09 EDT 2013
Just had a poke around in Metacard 4.5 and opened the menuItem
/Tools/Script Profiler
and then clicked on the button "Edit Script"
in the scriptEditor there is a menuItem
/Tools/Run External Editor
unfortunately in Linux (UbuntuStudio 13.10) clicking on it seemed to do
little but
close the inbuilt scriptEditor.
Now, it does seem odd that that possibility was there a while back in
the Metacard IDE
which is supposedly "more primitive" than the LiveCode IDE, yet is not
rolled into the
Livecode IDE.
I would be most grateful if someone (Klaus, Jacque, Richard) could
explain how one
goes about connecting-up an external scriptEditor so that when one clicks on
/Tools/Run External Editor and external editor is launched ad the script
under consideration
is pasted across to it, and in the other direction once editing has
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