iphoneControlSet fontSize not working as before

Thomas McGrath III mcgrath3 at mac.com
Tue Oct 15 10:57:24 EDT 2013

I have a stack that uses 
     iphoneControlSet "NameInput", "fontSize", "16"

But now it is not executing like it used to. It seems that if I put this in after creating all of my controls and setting their attributes and populating the multiline fields then it is executed and the text sizes are set accordingly. This was working fine the way it was in previous versions.

I have my code set up like this for about 15 cards:

on openCard
     inputCreate -- creates all controls
     readInputFields -- reads text from files
     loadInputFields -- loads text into created fields from inputCreate
end openCard

on inputCreate
     inputDelete -- Check if already exist and if so delete so we are creating anew
     iphoneControlCreate "multiline", "OneNameInput"
     iphoneControlCreate "multiline", "TwoNameInput"
     iphoneControlCreate "multiline", "ThreeNameInput"
     iphoneControlCreate "multiline", "FourNameInput"
     iphoneControlCreate "multiline", "FiveNameInput"
     iphoneControlCreate "multiline", "SixNameInput"
     iphoneControlCreate "multiline", "SevenNameInput"
     iphoneControlCreate "multiline", "EightNameInput"
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "rect", the rect of field "OneName"of this card
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "visible", true
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "fontSize", "16"
     -- iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "fontName", "Arial Rounded MT Bold"
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "clearButtonMode", "always"
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "keyboardType", "default"
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "returnKeyType", "default"
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "autoCorrectionType", "yes"
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "autoCapitalizationType", "sentences"
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "scrollingEnabled", true
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "vIndicator", true
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "manageReturnKey", true

     -- etc. until all eight fields are created and their attributes are set.
end inputCreate

Now if I add the fontSize 'again' after all the setup for each card then it is executed correctly like this:

on openCard
     inputCreate -- creates all controls
     readInputFields -- reads text from files
     loadInputFields -- loads text into created fields from inputCreate
     iphoneControlSet "OneNameInput", "fontSize", "16"
     iphoneControlSet "TwoNameInput", "fontSize", "16"
     iphoneControlSet "ThreeNameInput", "fontSize", "16"
     iphoneControlSet "FourNameInput", "fontSize", "16" -- etc. until all Eight fields are accounted for
end openCard

This workaround was not necessary before in the 5 series or 6.0 but now it is not respected. Is it possible that multiline fields 'need' to have text in them first before the fontSize can be applied?

Has anyone else seen this behavior in LC 6.1.2 ???

Thank you,


-- Tom McGrath III
mcgrath3 at mac.com

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