"Be This Guy"

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 14:34:44 EDT 2013

On 10/14/2013 01:50 PM, Kevin Miller wrote:
> I'm very proud of our marketing efforts and they are absolutely useful and
> necessary. I don't know how Richmond managed to get this particular mailer
> as it should be getting sent to brand new account holders only!

Well; there it was in my in-box: sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't 
do anything sneaky to obtain it.

>   It
> certainly wasn't aimed at existing customers.

They probably all got it.

>   Everyone has a different
> experience learning to code, some find it easier than others and I think
> our marketing messages, in this case relating to training, are fair and
> balanced. And please remember that the more revenue we generate the better
> the service we can provide you.

Well, part of my comments was a critique of HOW you were advertising, 
NOT that you were advertising
(although the chap with the boats in France seemed not to have seen that).

I believe that one of the ways you can get more money is by advertising 
in a way that isn't quite so "Jimmy Neutron".

> We are reinvesting everything right now in
> engineering and service delivery.
> As far as the free courses are concerned, these are intended for brand new
> customers only. One per customer, per lifetime. We want more people to
> adopt the platform, however we are not a charity and can only afford to
> give away so much free content. If you feel that you've very recently paid
> for two courses and could have had one of them for free, by all means drop
> a line to support and we'll sort you out. We take customer satisfaction
> very seriously.
> Kind regards,
> Kevin
> Kevin Miller ~ kevin at runrev.com ~ http://www.runrev.com/
> LiveCode: Everyone can code

Thank you very much indeed, Kevin.

The contextualisation makes quite a bit of sense that was not clear 

Although I will 'reserve' my 'dumbing down' comments.

I suspect that the fact that many people got hold of the free courses 
and the adverts
who were not part of the "targetted demographic" may be for the same 
sort of reason as the
Pancake problem; there's a beastie in your computer system.

I would not have bothered to write my "Be This Guy" message if I did not 
care desperately about Livecode,
and I hope you realise that.

sincerely, Richmond.

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