Apostrophe and UPDATE
Paul Foraker
paul.foraker at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 03:55:13 EDT 2013
Stephen, escaping the single quote with another quote causes the same
error, with the result showing \'\' instead of \'. I tried it with and
without variable substitution.
Monte, my UPDATE syntax was incorrect. Thanks!
In case anyone else needs something like this, here's the code that worked:
on testWrap
put the fldNames of this cd into tFldNames
delete item 1 of tFldNames -- contact_id
put getSQLWrappers("contact",tFldNames) into temp
answer temp
end testWrap
function getSQLwrappers pTableName, pFldNames
-- takes a list of field names and returns them wrapped for SQL
-- removes "_" in fld names, prepends "t" and uses CamelCase
-- so "last_name" becomes tLastName
put "UPDATE" && pTableName && "SET " into tSQL
repeat for each item thisOne in pFldNames
put thisOne &&"= '" & varNameFromFldName(thisOne) & "', " after tSQL
end repeat
delete last char of tSQL -- remove last chars
delete last char of tSQL
put " WHERE id = '" &tID &"'" after tSQL
return tSQL
end getSQLwrappers
function varNameFromFldName pFldName
set itemDelimiter to "_"
put "t" into varName
repeat for each item thisOne in pFldName
put toUpper(char 1 of thisOne) into char 1 of thisOne
put thisOne after varName
end repeat
return varName
end varNameFromFldName
-- Paul
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