Strange standard button issues

Peter Haworth pete at
Sat Oct 5 13:04:46 EDT 2013

Create a standard button in a stack with the default width and height of
83x23.  Now change it's height to something greater than 24 - the rounded
edges disappear and it becomes a rectangle button even though the Inspector
palette says it's a standard button.  Set the height back to 24 or less and
the rounded corners appear again.

I really need a rounded corner button with a height greater than 24 and
since my graphic skills are at -1 on a scale of 1 to 10, I'm at a loss as
tgo how to proceed.

ANother issue with the same button.  I apply an innershadow effect to it.
 The innershadow works fine but I need to adjust the various parameters of
it - all of the parameters in the Inspector are greyed out and cannot be
changed.  Same problem occurs with all the graphic effects except
dropshadow. I know I can change them by script but is there some reason why
I can't use the Inspector to do it or should I report this as a bug?

Tried all the above in 5.5.4 and 6.1.1 on OSX 10.7.4.

lcSQL Software <>

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