In-app purchase options

Christer Pyyhtiä christer at
Wed Oct 2 14:50:22 EDT 2013

It may be I red the manuals like a devil in the bible, but cannot figure out the exact process of getting in place an in-app purchase process of alternative options for the user.  What is the exact and correct order of statements to be put in place. The difficulty is in there are no ways of doing testing these before shoveling your app into the library. True for both iOS and Android.

So, want to have three options for the use to select, run this for x months, y months or forever. All three have different pricing.

What is the exact sequence regarding the mobilePurchaseCreate, mobilePurchaseSet and mobilepurchaseSendRequest commands and what are the different purchased, property and value and especially where those need to be issued (including setting the standalone app settings for iOS and Android).

It indeed is a lawyer may read the manuals and come to different opinions how to do this. A rewrite with a proven example is needed.

Any help from anyone?

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