
RevList RevList at CreaTECHSol.com
Fri Nov 29 02:16:18 EST 2013

Monte Goulding on November 28, 2013 at 8:51 PM -0800 wrote:
>Your account has probably moved to a new server. Try https://<youraccount>.on-rev.com:2083

I tried https://stewartl.on-rev.com:2083 and that got me nowhere.

Tried just https://on-rev.com:2083
That got me to an insecure c-panel login, but that did not accept either my login ID or PW  (I may have it wrong)

Took out the s in https and I got redirected to https://meg.on-rev.com:2083/  but that would not accept my login ID or password either.

Who can I contact regarding this?

Stewart Lynch

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