Translate code from Mac to PC

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Thu Nov 21 20:17:53 EST 2013


That is really unnecessary, unless Foxit Reader provided more than just 
the ability to view pictures. You can easily change the default app for 
picture files in Windows. I changed it from Photo to Windows Photo 
Viewer and can now view pictures in a window instead of full-screen.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 11/22/2013 01:32, Ray wrote:
> When I first bought a Windows 8 system I was really disappointed to
> discover that every time I opened an image file it used Photo Viewer or
> something as the default program.  It went full screen and left me back
> in the, what I consider undesirable, "metro" side of Windows 8.  I've
> gotten around this using a free download called Foxit Reader.  You might
> take a look and see if it meets your needs on the Windows side.
> Regards,
> Ray Horsley
> LinkIt! Software

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