Color Madness

dunbarx at dunbarx at
Wed Nov 20 12:58:27 EST 2013

Tried this on the forum. Only Simon loves me.

Experimenting with a simple gadget to help a new user, I made two largish square buttons, and set the backColor of btn 2 to any old color. I put this into the card script:

on mouseMove
   get the rect of btn 1
   put the mouseV into item 2 of it
   if the mouseloc is within the rect of btn 1 and the mouse is down then set the rect of btn 2 to it
end mouseMove

Not rocket science, button 2 "fills" or "empties" btn 1 when you click and drag inside btn1. But the when I move the cursor in a downward direction, the backcolor of btn 2 changes to dark purple. It displays the prescribed color just fine on the way up. If I clear the color of btn 2, same thing, basically, clear going up, purple going down.. If I start with two brand new rectangular buttons, not setting any color, there is no such effect. As soon as I set any backColor in btn 2, though, this odd effect appears.

I tried:

on mouseEnter
set the backColor of btn 2 to "113,115,23" --arbitrary RGB
end mouseEnter

on mouseMove
   get the rect of btn 1
   put the mouseV into item 2 of it
   if the mouseloc is within the rect of btn 1 and the mouse is down then
      put the backColor of btn 2 -- to monitor while moving
      set the rect of btn 2 to it
   end if
end mouseMove

The initital setting ("113,115,23") is shown in msg going both up and down, so LC seems not to know about the change. The purple "down" color seems to be overlaid on, not substituted for, the initial color. This can be seen if you try different starting colors. The purple "down" overlay mixes differently with any initial color choice.

AHA. Found out that if the cursor touches btn 2, the purple thing appears. if it does not, normal colors. In my test, the mouseV and the top of btn 2 are coincident. If I have the cursor ride just above the top of btn 2, back to normal colors in both directions.

Seems like a bug to me, and an odd one at that. LC 6.1.3, Mac OS 10.6.

Craig Newman

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