Determine Engine Version Used To Build Standalone?

Peter W A Wood peterwawood at
Tue Nov 19 06:54:31 EST 2013


After seeing your question, I had a quick look at an LiveCode standalone and found these in plain text:

                        *                        Revolution 4.6                            *
                        *    Copyright 2011 Runtime Revolution Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.  *
                        *    The software contained in this listing is proprietary to      *
                        *    Runtime Revolution, Edinburgh, UK and is covered by           *
                        *    U.K. and other copyright protection.  Unauthorized copying    *
                        *    adaptation, distribution, disassembling, use or display is    *
                        *    prohibited and may result in civil and criminal penalties.    *

Copy of  5.5.1-rc-4 

MCdebugresult    REVO2700   REVO5500

The copyright notice would be easiest to find and interpret but it doesn't seem that it was kept up-to-date. 

The "Copy of 5.5.1.-rc-4" was in the middle of some other constants and might not be easy to find.

The MCdebugresult string has not "viewable" characters between the 3 items printed. 

I doubt that this will be of much help but I thought I might as well let you know what I found.



On 19 Nov 2013, at 05:11, Scott Rossi wrote:

> Is there a way to find this?
> With so many versions on LC on my system and so many test files, it's hard
> to keep track of what engine version was used to build what app.
> Thanks for suggestions.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX/UI Design
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