
Peter Bogdanoff bogdanoff at
Fri Nov 8 18:21:04 EST 2013

This press release is about RunRev setting up in China. I agree it's a great market for both developers there and here.

With this, hopefully, RunRev will work on solving a problem I've been having with displaying upper ASCII text on Chinese Windows installations.

I've sent compiled versions of my music history textbook to testers there who aren't able to see diacriticals (Latin characters) displayed properly when set to standard Helvetica and Georgia. Their MS Word, etc., don't have this problem, only LiveCode.

Also, when I choose a Chinese font in the IDE, those font names don't display correctly, although you can type in a name in the Inspector and have it set.

Also, most of the Chinese fonts that I have don't display the fontSize or fontStyle correctly. They display only one size, no matter what size you set. One font, Hei, can change size, but not other standard fonts like Song ti and SimSun.

I don't understand what's going on under the hood for font display, but I've had nothing but trouble working with Chinese font display and displaying Latin text on Chinese Windows OS installations.

Peter Bogdanoff

On Nov 8, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Mark Wilcox wrote:

> Wow, RunRev better get serious about the Android support fast! :)
> ________________________________
> From: Richard Gaskin <ambassador at>
> To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at> 
> Sent: Friday, 8 November 2013, 22:14
> Subject: Congratulations
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