Misunderstanding developer previews versus release candidates

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sun Nov 3 11:52:08 EST 2013

The title really says it all.

LC 6.0.0 went through 5 developer previews and 7 release candidates.

LC 6.0.1 went through NO developer previews and 1 release candidate.

LC 6.0.2 went through NO developer previews and 1 release candidate.

LC 6.1.0 went through 2 developer previews and 3 release candidates.

LC 6.1.1 went through NO developer previews and 6 release candidates.

LC 6.1.2 went through NO developer previews and 3 release candidates.

LC 6.1.3 to date has NO developer previews and 1 release candidate.

LC 6.5.0 to date has 2 developer previews and 1 release candidate.

So, what with all the "funny numbers" after the 6, the developer 
previews and their numbers,
and the release Candidates and their numbers.

Coupled with the fact that 6.5.0 seems to be stealing a march on 6.1.3 
rather than creeping up behind it.

I really wonder if those "funny numbers", the 'dp' and 'rc' suffixes 
(beyond marking some sort of sequentiality - which seems broken re 6.1.3 
and 6.5.0) are any guide at all to such things as stability, usability 
and so on.


I am sure that will get the expected sententious answer to this message 
from one of RunRev's
uncritical cheer-leaders, and it will just trot out the official line.

However, various people on this use-list have indicated with their 
unfortunate experiences with various versions
that things may not be quite that simple.


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