revFontLoad, Unicode and Windows post-XP ?

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Wed May 29 08:09:31 EDT 2013

I wonder if anybody else has run across this problem with Windows Vista 
(does anybody use Vista?),
7 or 8?

If I install a font that has non-standard Unicode chars in the Personal 
Private Use Area on one of these Windows systems (I test with Windows 7) 
something 'funny' happens:

Those chars that are in the standard Unicode places are substituted for 
a standard Windows-native font,
but those in the PPU area are left as they are, kerning rules in either 
the font or inwith Livecode itslef are over-ridden by Windows; something 
that does not happen with Macintosh, Linux or Windows XP.

 From my point of view, at least, this is a "show stopper" for Windows 
V, 7 and 8.

I have been digging around in the LC Documentation and found 
'revFontLoad' which looks
as though it might be a possibility, except that it seems to rely on 
absolute paths, when one cannot rely
on an end-user putting one's homegrown font exactly where one wants it 
to be.

I would be grateful if anybody who has run up against this or similar 
problems and has found a way to circumvent them could let me (and the 
use-list!) know of how they coped with this.


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