scrolling stack I made

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Wed May 22 13:02:54 EDT 2013

Funny, I thought I was getting away with it because I was scrolling to the
left, where the use of trunc instead of round meant that even at the
slowest setting, everything was moving, in some cases too fast.

Here it is adapted to use the array again. It's too bad (for this) that the
loc can't use a fractional value and just work.

on addimage imagename, imageplace, imagespeed
   put imagename into places[imagename]["imagename"]
   put imageplace into places[imagename]["imageplace"]
   put imagespeed into places[imagename]["imagespeed"]
end addimage

on movethings howmuch
   lock screen
   repeat for each key K in places
      put (3072 + places[K]["imageplace"] +
howmuch*100/places[K]["imagespeed"]) mod 2048 - 1024 into
      set the left of image places[K]["imagename"] to
   end repeat
   unlock screen
end movethings

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Colin Holgate <coiin at> wrote:

> The use of an array value was intentional. Try your version and my version
> while moving very slowly, you'll see that lots of the images will stall in
> your one. That's because the value keeps rounding down to the nearest
> pixel. The array approach makes the location be floating point, and so over
> time the image will reach the next integer value.
> On May 22, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Geoff Canyon <gcanyon at> wrote:
> > I also simplified the movement routine to a single line to update the
> > position of each object, which eliminated the need to store the position
> in
> > the array.
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