suspend/resume messages on Android?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed May 8 13:25:02 EDT 2013

On 5/8/13 4:12 AM, Mark Wilcox wrote:

> I know the RunRev team are awesome but I'm a little perplexed anyone
> would assume that the Android app lifecycle model is completely
> broken rather than there's simply a bug/missing feature in LiveCode.

Guilty as charged. I know how hard the team works to make everything 
work the same on all platforms, so I jumped to the conclusion that it 
wasn't possible on Android. I still think there is likely a technical 
reason, but I believe you when you say it isn't the Android OS.

> As I understand it, LiveCode iOS apps only officially support exiting
> on suspend.  What do you think should happen instead on Android?

It's the same behavior on iOS too. I followed the discussion about it on 
the forums and apparently that decision was made because some other 
things will break if it doesn't exit. A few people have worked around 
that to some extent but I'll leave the details to those who know more 
about it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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