Mobile (Android) orientations

Monte Goulding monte at
Fri May 3 18:39:58 EDT 2013

On 04/05/2013, at 8:26 AM, Alex Tweedly <alex at> wrote:

> Do you need to ?  Wouldn't it be enough to do
> device=Amazon||||
> orientation_map=0,90
> Or are there other Amazon devices which don't have that same orientation ?

I don't know... I guess we would need to physically have each device in our hands to work it out.
> And more fundamentally - isn't this a broken model to start with ?
> Any Android app which tries to use orientation needs to contain (built into its apk file) info about any possible (non-standard) device ?
> So if a new non-standard device is released, you need to build/release a new version of the app, or else the app will misbehave on this new device ?

Yeah... I presume there was no choice but.... I'm not really sure why the LC activity isn't dealing with orientation in the onConfigurationChanged method... I'll ask on the engine forum.
> (And yes, this would be a great opportunity for a community managed file, if that reduces the explosion of releases needed as the app author finds out about each new device.)

Yep... that's what I'm sugguesting

Monte Goulding

M E R Goulding - software development services
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