Android push notifications

John Craig john at
Sun Mar 31 09:44:02 EDT 2013

Now that I've tested with the pushNotificationReceived message, this 
update delivers the payload data;

    # data element of notification
    put "New updates available" into tDataA["title"]
    put "There are 3 new updates..." into tDataA["body"]
    put tDataA["body"] into tDataA["alert"]
    put 3 into tDataA["badge"]
    put "default" into tDataA["sound"]
    put "Payload data" into tDataA["payload"]

    # build notification
    put tDataA into tNotificationA["data"]
    put tTokenA into tNotificationA["registration_ids"]
    put "SplashCloud" into tNotificationA["collapse_key"]
    jsonEncode tNotificationA, tNotification

    # headers
    put "Content-Type: application/json" & LF into tHeaders
    put "Authorization: key=<Your Key>" & LF after tHeaders
    set the HTTPHeaders to tHeaders

    # had a couple of errors that were resolved by setting/resetting 
this flag  :/
    #libUrlSetSSLVerification true

    # send the notification
    post tNotification to url ""
    put it into tResponse
    put the result into tResult

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