LC Android Apps

Alex Tweedly alex at
Wed Mar 20 16:57:44 EDT 2013

There has been quite a lot of discussion, mention, announcements, etc. 
for apps developed in Livecode for IOS. In fact, the runrev 
Showcase/Solutions page shows over a dozen of them, and many more are 
listed in Peter Woods "1001 things to do with Livecode".

There's been much less mention about apps for Android. The 
Showcase/Solutions page only mentions 4 Android apps - and 1 of those is 
a mistake, and another 2 might be correct - but there is no link to 
anywhere you can download the Android app, so I'm not convinced they 
aren't also listed in error. I've only been able to find one real, 
available Android app developed in LC (congrats to AltaPoint, developers 
of MatterCat).   I haven't carefully read all of "1001 things ..." but a 
quick scan only showed me 1 app which is being "worked on".

So - does anyone else have any Android apps developed in LC ?
Or are we so fettered by lack of externals (and so by lack of Monte's 
help :-) that it is hard to develop a shippable Android app ?

I'd also welcome any comments on what you can / can't do on Android, 
what the Android marketplace is like compared to IOS, Kindle Fire vs 
general Android, etc.

-- Alex.

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