Learning by... avoiding mistakes

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Sun Mar 17 17:09:45 EDT 2013

On 3/17/13 2:49 PM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> Did anyone in this mail list, keep a detailed account of
> their own programming mistakes and The methods used
> to solved them?

I won't tell you the dumbest thing I ever did. But I'll tell you what I 
did 3 days ago and maybe you'll think that's the dumbest thing I ever did.

I had some Finder windows open and suddenly, without warning, all the 
files in a folder disappeared. The subfolders were still there and okay 
but every last file in my current project folder just went poof.

I've had some intermittent problems with the hard drive so I ran a Disk 
Utility check but it said everything was fine. I immediately made an 
appointment with the Apple Store to replace the drive anyway, since it 
was part of their Seagate recall and I hadn't done it yet. I wished I had.

Luckily Time Machine had done a backup 6 minutes before, so I replaced 
the files. Then I made a complete, bootable backup with SuperDuper and 
took the Mac into the store yesterday. It came back today with a new 
drive and I'm restoring everything as I type this now.

Meanwhile I'm on my MacBook, looking at the big project I'm working on. 
It used to write files to the temporary folder until we changed things, 
and I'd removed the handler that calculated the path to the temp files. 
But I'd forgotten to remove the deletion handler that ran on shutdown, 
and without the correct path, just used the current directory.

I deleted my own work. But hey, I have a new hard drive.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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