[ANN] Toronto LiveCode Meetup March, 27 2013

Martin Koob mkoob at rogers.com
Mon Mar 11 12:34:12 EDT 2013


Greater Toronto Area LiveCode Users Group (gTALUG) will be having a meetup
on March 27th, 7:00 pm at MaRS Commons, 101 College St. Suite 230, Toronto,

LiveCode's Open Source Edition's KicksStarter campaign has succeeded in
raising £493,795 141% of their goal of £350,000. Lets have a meet up to
celebrate that and discuss the future now that LiveCode will be going open
source and is going have a lot of new and improved features due to the
stretch goals being achieved. http://kck.st/WutiWr

Whether you are an experienced LiveCoder or are just starting out this will
be a great chance to meet other LiveCoders, and learn more about the

The meeting will be at the board room of the MaRS Commons.

MaRS (www.marsdd.com) is a community partner that is graciously providing
meeting space.

You can see more information join and RSVP here.
(You don't have to join Meetup.com to come to the meeting but please RSVP by
email then.)

Martin Koob

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