Stackoverflow : new LiveCode questions

Monte Goulding monte at
Sun Mar 10 21:20:42 EDT 2013

On 11/03/2013, at 10:10 AM, J. Landman Gay <jacque at> wrote:

> On 3/10/13 5:48 PM, John Craig wrote:
>> I've got a cron job running on on-rev that checks for new LiveCode
>> questions on stack overflow.  If there are new questions it hasn't seen
>> before, it emails me the details as a digest (see output below).
>> I can set up an email list if anyone is interested - or even post to
>> this list.  The cron job can be modified to run every minute, every
>> hour, etc. , but only sends a report when new data is available.
> I'd be interested in seeing one post a day to this list of any new material available. The links are handy, and if it's only once a day I don't think too many people would object. If people complain we could take it to a private mailing list. But having it here could inspire more participation on SO because it would only take a click to get over there.

After thinking about this for a bit I wonder if it might just check daily and find any posts that are older than a day and haven't had an answer. It would only prompt here if there's no answer there. That way people here aren't bothered so much and people there are likely to get a response within 2 days at most.

Monte Goulding

M E R Goulding - software development services
mergExt - There's an external for that!

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