Weekend challenge

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Sun Jun 30 17:24:18 EDT 2013

I've got a challenge for anyone up for it. Below are the rules and some 
formatted example data. It's supposed to be tab-delimited but if email 
borks it, you can grab a zip file here:


Each tab-delimited line has four columns which describe a particular 
part of the whole, similar to an expanded array. The last column uses a 
pipe to delimit its own three items: type|op1|op2.


1. Every ID, Section, Subsection and Type must be unique across the 
entire list.

2. While every Type must be unique, a Type can be the same as the 
Subsection it's in. This is the only non-unique exception.

3. OP1 and OP2 must each be one of "DIV, MULT, PLUS, MINUS, COUNT". For 
each line, OP1 and OP2 must be different.

4. The first two lines of each ID have only two or three column entries 
respectively. Otherwise, every line must contain all four column 
entries. If the line has a fourth column entry, it must contain three 
pipe-delimited items and the last two of these must be OP1 and OP2.

5. Lines must be in order; all IDs are grouped, and within those, all 
Sections are grouped. Within those, all Subsections are together.


Find irregular or missing entries. You don't have to fix them, just 
report them.

There may be typos. Determine whether a line is out of order (the same 
ID/Section/Subsection exists elsewhere in a legitimate location) or 
contains a typo (there is no other instance.)

Bonus points if you can identify and report the reason the line is 
irregular; i.e., wrong order, typo, missing entry, etc.

AB	MediumOrchid		
AB	MediumOrchid	OrangeRed2	
AB	MediumOrchid	Khaki2	DeepPink1|DIV|MULT
AB	MediumOrchid	Gray100	Gray100|MULT|DIV
AB	MediumOrchid	Gray100	Gray100|MULT|DIV
AB	MediumOrchid	Gray100	PeachPuff|MINUS|MULT
AB	Gray40	Gray39	AntiqueWhite4|MULT|MINUS
AB	Gray40	Gray39	Ivory3|MULT|MINUS
AB	Gray40	Gray39	PowderBlue|MINUS|DIV
AB	Gray40	Chocolate4	DarkKhaki|PLUS|MINUS
AB	Gray40	Chocolate4	RoyalBlue4|MINUS|PLUS
AB	Gray40	Chocolate4	LightCyan3|MINUS|PLUS
AB	DarkGoldenrod2	AntiqueWhite3	Gray67|MINUS|DIV
AB	DarkGoldenrod2	AntiqueWhite3	DarkOrchid2|MULT|DIV
AB	DarkGoldenrod2	DeepPink3	Gray81|PLUS|MINUS
AB	DarkGoldenrod2	DeepPink3	Ivory4|MULT|DIV
AB	DarkGoldenrod2	DeepPink3	Tomato4|MINUS|PLUS
AB	Gray16	SpringGreen	Gray71|DIV|MULT
AB	Gray16	Magenta2	MistyRose|PLUS|DIV
AB	Gray16	Magenta2	Magenta2|DIV|MINUS
AB	Gray16	Gray28	SlateGray4|MINUS|DIV
AB	Gray16	Gray28	HotPink2|COUNT|MULT
AB	Gray16	Gray28	NavajoWhite2|COUNT|PLUS
AB	Gray16	Gray28	CadetBlue3|MINUS|MULT
AB	Gray40	Chocolate4	Chocolate4|MINUS|MULT
AB	Gray16	DarkTurquoise	LightSteelBlue1|COUNT|MULT
AB	Gray16	DarkTurquoise	PaleTurquoise2|DIV|MINUS
AB	Gray16	DarkTurquoise	Gray98|MINUS|MULT
CD	OliveDrab1		
CD	OliveDrab1	Gray47	
CD	OliveDrab1	Gray47	Ivory2|PLUS|DIV
CD	OliveDrab1	Azure2	Gray23|MULT|PLUS
CD	OliveDrab1	Azure2	LightBlue4|MINUS|PLUS
CD	OliveDrab1	Azure2	DarkGoldenrod4|DIV|PLUS
CD	Firebrick4	Gray49	Snow1|MULT|MINUS
CE	Firebrick4	Gray49	Gold3|COUNT|MULT
CD	Firebrick4	Gray49	Plum1|DIV|MULT
CD	Firebrick4	LightCyan2	DarkOliveGreen3|MULT|PLUS
CD	Firebrick4	LightCyan2	Gray54|PLUS|MINUS
CD	Firebrick4	LightCyan2	Maroon4|PLUS|DIV
CD	Firebrick4	LavenderBlush4	LavenderBlush4|COUNT|PLUS
CD	Firebrick4	LavenderBlush4	Gray41|COUNT|PLUS
CD	Firebrick4	LavenderBlush4	LightYellow2|MINUS|MULT
CD	Firebrick4	CornSilk4	CornSilk4|PLUS|MINUS
CD	Firebrick4	CornSilk4	DarkSeaGreen3|PLUS|MULT
CD	MediumOrchid1	RoyalBlue2	Gray61|PLUS|MULT
CD	MediumOrchid1	RoyalBlue2	Gray63|MINUS|PLUS
CD	MediumOrchid1	Aquamarine2	HotPink1|COUNT|DIV
CD	MediumOrchid1	Aquamarine2	Plum3|COUNT|PLUS
CD	MediumOrchid1	Gray77	MediumOrchid3|MINUS|DIV
CD	MediumOrchid1	Gray77	Gray88|COUNT|DIV
CD	MediumOrchid1	Gray77	MediumSpringGreen|MINUS|MULT
CD	MediumOrchid1	Gray77	DarkOliveGreen1|PLUS|DIV
CD	Gray87	DarkSlateGray4	LightPink2|DIV|MULT
CD	Gray87	DarkSlateGray4	Sienna3|DIV|MINUS
CD	Gray87	DarkSlateGray4	Wheat3|MINUS
CD	Gray87	LightYellow1	Black|MULT|PLUS
CD	Gray87	LightYellow1	Gray85|COUNT|DIV
CD	Gray87	LightYellow1	AntiqueWhite2|DIV|PLUS
CD	Gray87	LightYellow1	OrangeRed1|MULT|DIV
CD	Gray87	Honeydew4	Honeydew3|MINUS|PLUS
CD	Gray87	Honeydew4	Gray32|MULT|PLUS
CD	Gray87	Honeydew4	Khaki1|DIV|MULT
CD	Gray87	Honeydew4	Azure4|COUNT|DIV
CD	LightGoldenrod2	Orange2	Orange2|COUNT|PLUS
CD	LightGoldenrod2	Orange2	Gray29|PLUS|PLUS
CD	LightGoldenrod2	Orange2	Yellow3|DIV|PLUS
CD	LightGoldenrod2	LightSalmon2	AntiqueWhite1|MINUS|PLUS
CD	LightGoldenrod2	LightSalmon2	Coral3|MINUS|MULT
CD	LightGoldenrod2	LightSalmon2	LightSeaGreen|MINUS|MULT
CD	LightGoldenrod2	LightSalmon2	Aquamarine3|MINUS|DIV
CD	LightGoldenrod2	LightSkyBlue4	Wheat4|MULT|PLUS
CD	LightGoldenrod2	LightSkyBlue4	Gray12|MINUS|MULT
CD	LightGoldenrod2	LightSkyBlue4	LightYellow3|DIV|PLUS
CD	LightGoldenrod2	Gray57	Gray57|DIV|MULT
CD	LightGoldenrod2	Gray57	LightBlue3|DIV|PLUS
CD	LightGoldenrod2	Gray57	Gray84|DIV|MINUS
CD	LightGoldenrod2	Gray57	Bisque2|DIV|MINUS
CD	LightGoldenrod2	Sienna1	CadetBlue1|COUNT|DIV
CD	LightGoldenrod2	Sienna1	Coral4|MINUS|PLUS
CD	LightGoldenrod2	Sienna1	Gold4|COUNT|DIV
EF	Chocolate1	LavenderBlush2	Gray52|COUNT|MINUS
EF	Chocolate1	LavenderBlush2	Gray74|PLUS|MULT
EF	Chocolate1	LightBlue1	PapayaWhip|MULT|DIV
EF	Chocolate1	Gray76	MediumGoldenrod|DIV|PLUS
EF	Gray25	SpringGreen2	OliveDrab3|COUNT|MULT
EF	Gray25	SpringGreen2	MediumPurple2|MINUS|PLUS
EF	Gray25	SpringGreen2	Khaki3|COUNT|MINUS
EF	Gray25	SpringGreen4	Gray17|MINUS|PLUS
EF	Gray25	SpringGreen4	Firebrick1|DIV|PLUS
EF	Gray25	LightGoldenrod1	LemonChiffon3|COUNT|PLUS
EF	Gray25	LightGoldenrod1	SkyBlue3|MINUS|PLUS
EF	Gray25	LightGoldenrod1	DarkSeaGreen2|COUNT|PLUS
EF	Gray25	LightGoldenrod1	Gray0|COUNT|DIV
EF	Gray25	Gray14	Gray83|MINUS|DIV
EF	Gray25	Gray14	Tan2|COUNT|DIV
EF	Gray25	Gray14	Gray60|PLUS|MULT
EF	LightPink4	PaleVioletRed4	MistyRose2|COUNT|PLUS
EF	LightPink4	PaleVioletRed4	DarkGoldenrod1|PLUS|DIV
EF	LightPink4	PaleVioletRed4	Gray56|DIV|MINUS
EF	LightPink4	PaleVioletRed4	SlateBlue4|MULT|MINUS
EF	LightPink4	DeepSkyBlue3	LightCyan4|MULT|DIV
EF	LightPink4	Gold2	Gold2|COUNT|DIV
EF	LightPink4	Gold2	DeepPink2|MULT|PLUS
EF	LightPink4	Gold2	LightSkyBlue3|DIV|MINUS
EF	LightPink4	Gold2	SandyBrown|DIV|MINUS
EF	LightPink4	RosyBrown2	Tan1|MINUS|PLUS
EF	LightPink4	RosyBrown2	Gray66|DIV|MINUS
EF	LightPink4	RosyBrown2	LavenderBlush3|PLUS|DIV
EF	LightPink4	RosyBrown2	SlateBlue1|DIV|PLUS
EF	LightPink4	Tomato2	PaleGreen2|PLUS|DIV
EF	LightPink4	Tomato2	Chocolate2|DIV|PLUS
EF	LightPink4	Tomato2	DarkSlateGray2|DIV|MINUS
EF	LightPink4	Tomato2	DarkOrange1|MINUS|PLUS
EF	SpringGreen1	Gray82	Gray11|PLUS|MULT
EF	SpringGreen1	Gray82	Azure3|MINUS|MINUS
EF	SpringGreen1	Gray82	PaleVioletRed1|COUNT|PLUS
EF	SpringGreen1	LightBlue2	Aquamarine1|MINUS|DIV
EF	SpringGreen1	LightBlue2	PaleGreen1|COUNT|PLUS
EF	SpringGreen1	LightBlue2	Gray72|MINUS|DIV
EF	SpringGreen1	LightBlue2	Gray51|MULT|DIV
EF	SpringGreen1	Seashell1	Gray21|MULT|MINUS
EF	SpringGreen1	Seashell1	Gray97|MULT|DIV
EF	SpringGreen1	Seashell1	Maroon1|MINUS|MULT
EF	DarkGray	DodgerBlue1	Gray31|MINUS|PLUS
EF	DarkGray	DodgerBlue1	Gray30|MINUS|PLUS
EF	DarkGray	DodgerBlue1	Firebrick3|MULT|PLUS
EF	DarkGray	DodgerBlue1	SeaGreen1|COUNT|MINUS
EF	DarkGray	Gray69	Gray69|PLUS|MINUS
EF	DarkGray	Gray69	Burlywood2|PLUS|DIV
EF	DarkGray	Gray69	IndianRed1|COUNT|DIV
EF	DarkGray	Gray69	Gray69|MULT|PLUS
EF	DarkGray	LightSkyBlue2	LightGoldenrod3|MINUS|MULT
EF	DarkGray	LightSkyBlue2	LightSteelBlue2|DIV|PLUS
EF	DarkGray	LightSkyBlue2	Gray33|COUNT|MULT
EF	DarkGray	LightSkyBlue2	SlateGray3|PLUS|MULT
GH	Purple4		
GH	Purple4	CornSilk3	
GH	Purple4	CornSilk3	DarkSeaGreen1|MINUS|DIV
GH	Purple4	Gray39	MediumPurple4|MINUS|PLUS
GH	Purple4	Gray39	LightGray|MINUS|PLUS
GH	Purple4	Gray39	Gray50|COUNT|DIV
GH	Purple4	Tan4	Tan4|DIV|MULT
GH	Purple4	Tan4	Bisque3|DIV|MINUS
GH	Purple4	Tan4	Peru|PLUS|MINUS
GH	Purple4	Tan4	PeachPuff4|PLUS|DIV
GH	Purple4	Gray15	MistyRose4|MULT|DIV
GH	Purple4	Gray15	PaleGoldenrod|DIV|PLUS
GH	Purple4	Gray46	Gray37|PLUS|DIV
GH	Gray70	RosyBrown3	Honeydew1|PLUS|DIV
GH	Gray70	RosyBrown3	PaleGreen3|DIV|PLUS
GH	Gray70	RosyBrown3	PaleTurquoise4|PLUS|MINUS
GH	Gray70	Burlywood3	LightPink1|MINUS|DIV
GH	Gray70	Burlywood3	Gray91|MULT|DIV
CD	Gray70	Burlywood3	Gray20|DIV|PLUS
GH	Gray26	Tomato3	Gray45|COUNT|MULT
GH	Gray26	Tomato3	Transparent|COUNT|MULT
GH	Gray26	Tomato3	LightCoral|MULT|MINUS
GH	Gray26	LightSlateGray	Gray95|MINUS|MULT
GH	Gray26	LightSlateGray	Snow2|MULT|MINUS
GH	Gray26	LightSlateGray	DarkMagenta|COUNT|MINUS
GH	Gray26	LightSlateGray	Seashell2|COUNT|PLUS
GH	Gray16	Burlywood1	Gray94|MULT|MINUS
GH	Gray26	Burlywood1	Gray55|MULT|MINUS
GH	Gray26	Burlywood1	Gray80|DIV|PLUS
GH	Gray26	Burlywood1	Chartreuse3|MULT|MINUS
GH	Gray89	Gray89	Gainsboro|MULT|PLUS
GH	Gray89	Gray89	Gray78|MULT|PLUS
GH	Gray89	Gray89	Moccasin|PLUS|DIV
GH	Gray89	Gray89	Gray99|PLUS|MINUS
GH	Gray89	DarkSlateGray3	Aquamarine4|DIV|MULT
GH	Gray89	LightGreen	Gray65|MULT|MINUS
GH	RosyBrown4	DarkCyan	PaleGreen4|COUNT|DIV
GH	RosyBrown4	DarkCyan	HotPink3|PLUS|DIV
GH	RosyBrown4	Ivory1	Ivory1|MULT|DIV
GH	RosyBrown4	Ivory1	Snow1|DIV|MULT
GH	RosyBrown4	Ivory1	DarkSalmon|COUNT|MULT
Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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