Really large groups

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri Jun 28 14:57:10 EDT 2013

Geoff Canyon wrote:
> Has anyone created a library to handle groups > 32k pixels wide/tall? I'm
> thinking of something that stores the coordinates of controls relative to a
> larger space and allows scrolling through that larger space -- maybe by
> placing/removing them in an actual group so normal scrolling can still be
> used? This seems like a hard-ish problem to get right, but possible to
> build in a fairly robust way.

I believe you'd have to use separate scrollbar controls like the 
DataGrid does to maintain a consistent scroll thumb while hiding/show 

That said, it seems like a painfully tedious task but doable, sort of 
like a DataGrid on acid.

Just curious:  What are you making that needs that sort of display space?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for Desktop, Mobile, and Web
  Ambassador at

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