LiveCode or LiveCode server on other kinds of web servers

Andrew Kluthe andrew at
Fri Jun 21 11:29:21 EDT 2013

Hey Ya'll,

I have used Livecode Server from my on-rev account but never hooked it up

>From what I understand, it can hook up to Apache.

What about something like Tornado web server hooked up to a python app,

or livecode server hooked up to a Node.js Express framework server.

Perhaps, livecode server isn't even the best option here.

What I would like to do is be able to make a library for nodejs that lets
me use livecode libraries to do some data processing either via calling a
livecode script from the shell or some kind of routing through livecode

We are working on a reporting server in javascript to produce interactive
html reports from our data, but I am just so spoiled on livecode's
capabilities when it comes to transforming data into various forms needed
for my reporting.

Anybody have any ideas how something like this could be accomplished? I've
not really ever ran livecode apps from a command line or on linux all that
much. Can we even run gui-less livecode apps   from the command line?


Andrew Kluthe
andrew at

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