AW: AW: Where to write application data

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Jun 14 14:07:30 EDT 2013

On 6/14/13 5:34 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
> Just FYI: With the kind advice of Runrev I finally found my wanted location.
> I will store my application files for all users in: specialFolderPath
> ("sdat") what is: "/Users/Shared/" & "MyCompany/MyAppBundleID/MyFiles"
> I still have to set the read/write permission for all users to my folders
> and files in that directory, but a chmod 666 via shell should do that.
> Thanks
> Tiemo
> P.S. If you can set file and folder permissions via LC nowadays a hint would
> be nice.

I don't think you can. But thanks for finding this out, I never noticed 
that folder before. I see there's a Library folder containing an 
Application Support folder and a Preferences folder in there too, and 
that some apps store their company folders in those. It looks like you 
can do it either way, I see both. I have:


and also:

/Users/Shared/Application Support/MyCompany/file

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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