When is a color not a color

Mark Wieder mwieder at ahsoftware.net
Tue Jun 11 15:19:09 EDT 2013

Peter Haworth <pete at ...> writes:

>  As mentioned in my original post, I thought they were either three numbers
> each between 0-255, a hex value, or a color name, but it sounds like it's
> possible to have a 4th integer as an alpha channel?  IS that correct?

I can't say whether it's right or not, but here's what the color parser in
the engine code (in uidc.cpp) does:

check for a number
if that fails,
  check against the colornames
  return boolean for the colornames check
  check for a second number (g value)
  if only one number
    dissect the first number into rgb components
  else (we have r&b values) <g>
    get a third number (g value)
    if only two numbers, return False
parse the rgb values into a color variable
return True

so 4th through nth numbers will just be ignored.

 Mark Wieder
 mwieder at ahsoftware.net

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